For creating my digipak, I chose to use one of the most well
know graphics editing software in the media industry of Photoshop CC. With the ability
of editing simple images into something that is eye catching to the audience.
With incredible features which can manipulate the pictures and deceive the viewer
in order to get the best standard of finish on the promotion product. Before
any type of print media is published, whether it is a magazine, newspaper, or
even novel it is likely the case that Photoshop has been used to enhance and
clean up the imagery on many if not all of the pages. Magazines use Photoshop
and many of its tools in order to enhance the imagery and text in their
publications. Many Health and Beauty Magazines employ in-house designers to
retouch photos of models to enhance their beauty. They add finishing touches to
the imagery by using tools that balance colour and add drop shadows, among
other edits.
After watching several tutorials on how to use adobe Photoshop
and some of the techniques and effects that can be created, I began playing
around with the different effects and familiarising myself with the tools and
effects. With several trail and areas showed that there was areas of improvements
that where required. However, unlike the big cooperation I was basing my ideas
of the final products of the digipak on simplicity.
I started gaining different skills sand knowledge of tools
as I went along. Such as
Lasso tool: Males the user make a custom selection by
drawing it freehand. Which
is similar tools within this tool such as the marquee tools.
is similar tools within this tool such as the marquee tools.
- Quick select: Is exactly what it does, you are able to select parts of an images that have the same colour and contrast, with this you are able to do a lot of things with, I used it to move a picture onto different back ground. Within this tool there are imperfection that are created because of this, to remove some of these imperfection is to ‘’Refine edge’’ Which bring some of the original shape of the picture back without making major alteration.
- Spot healing: This I used to remove the imperfection on the faces of the models. This is used a lot in the media industry to improve the look and make the picture more pleasing to see, I am also able to bring some of the skin tones forward and give atone which would suit the rest of the background.
- Brush tool: this is a standard tool, however you are able to change the shape of the brush, the direction of it, the colours of the brushes and the spread. I used this tool to bring out some of the colours such as the black and white, to get the pure colour out of the black suite, as in the picture the quality wasn’t as high as the natural colours of the backgrounds.
- Curves Adjustments: I used this tool to bring the colours more compared to the original picture. Making the blacks, darker and the whites brighter, as the original picture shows that the suit had a light tint of grey where, and there white where not pure enough. So raising that would making more definitive. This has similar but a more precise style of editing to the saturation tool.
- Horizontal type tool, this was required to be one of the main features of the media package as I had to use it to right different text such as the magazine advert, names of the songs for the digipak and the album name. There is a range of techniques that can be done, I can select the font, squeeze the letters together or spread them apart, the direction of the letters. I could make the letters 3 dimensional as well.

The is a lot of power with adobe Photoshop and different skills that's why it is used a lot in the industry. it bring out different features, creating different and abstract effects. However the complicity of the software is shown due to the lack of abstract effects that i have used which can take a lot of time to pick up the high quality skills however overtime things would start becoming more and more familiar and using some of the tools to great effect.
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